Lazy Sunday Morning + Heart Pancake


Hi friends!

After Friday’s nor’easter, it was quite the overcast weekend around here. But at least it was above freezing 🙂 Spring is a-comin, and I am waiting as patiently as I can!

My friend Amy is 34 weeks along with her 3rd little boy and looking so amazing! Just LOOK at that perfect belly she’s got going on there. She is an incredible mom to her 2 boys, a loyal friend, and all-round stellar human being. We met in 5th grade at boarding school in Kenya, and have been friends ever since. She lives in New Jersey now and I can’t wait to see her in just a couple weeks! 🙂



I forgot to go grocery shopping before the nor’easter hit on Friday (oops). During the storm, my friend told me that her SUV was blowing all over the road, and after hearing that I had zero desire to venture out in that crazy wind. I made do with what I had at home. Luckily ramen noodles and eggs came to the rescue. Quick, easy, and tasty –> yes please!


By Saturday morning the wind and rain had mostly died down (phew!). I looked outside to find that the winds had blown away our porch lantern. See that black and white disk hanging from the rail? It used to have a pretty solar-powered lantern attached to it. Joel found the lantern’s very sad remains in a corner of the backyard. I will miss that little thing. Looks like we’re gonna need to do some lantern shopping in the not-too-distant future!


Jessica and I met up for Saturday brunch at Maison Mathis. I feel like their menu looks different each time I am there? Or maybe a different item calls to me every time so I don’t notice other things. Last time I tried their quinoa salad (very good, especially with an egg added). This time I could hear those waffles calling my name…


Look at those beautiful strawberries! Strawberries, waffle, whipped cream, and a dash of caramel sauce in one bite made for an insanely good mouthful of YUM. I probably say this at least once a week, but Joel and I need to get a waffle maker for our home! I want to replicate this deliciousness in my kitchen.


We browsed their dessert collection, which looked so very pretty, but after my sweet waffle I didn’t feel the urge to indulge in additional treats. But you know what, I will – repeat WILL – be back for that creme brulee…


I sipped on this overpriced-but-tasty organic blueberry iced tea (Jessica opted for a latte) while we hung out and chatted about everything under the sun. Her apartment is only a block or so from my office, which made me I wonder how many times we have passed each other over the years before we officially met and became friends! …And that makes me wonder how many people I pass on the street that will one day become my friend!


Dinner consisted of Ethiopian food! Jessica had only eaten Ethiopian food one time long ago in Philadelphia, but did not enjoy it. My heart was happy that she was game to give it a second chance. She ordered Doro Wot, a popular crowd-pleasing chicken dish, and ended up liking it! It always makes me happy when my friends love Ethiopian food. I grew up going to amazing Ethiopian restaurants in Nairobi with friends and family, and it will always have a special place in my heart. 🙂


Joel and I enjoyed a lazy Sunday morning together (<– side note, “Lazy Sunday Morning” is also the name of my all-time favorite perfume lol! find it HERE).


Just like most mornings these days, I dived head-first into a big bowl of grapes. Yes, I am slowly but surely making my way through Connecticut’s grape supply.


Joel felt like making pancakes for brunch… more like lunch by the time we got around to eating hah. We have been using this Heart Smart Bisquick for years and years (we use almond milk instead of regular milk). It has never let us down. These pancakes taste yummier than the regular/original Bisquick.


Despite using this mix for YEARS, I have never seen this “refrigerate after opening” message. Maybe it has been there all along, or maybe they changed up some of the ingredients so that it now requires refrigerating? It feels weird to keep pancake mix in the fridge but oh well!


This was Joel’s attempt at making me a heart pancake. Pretty good! ❤



Laundry happened. Have I mentioned how much I love our washer and dryer? When we bought our house, we had to buy a brand new washer and dryer because the sellers took theirs with them. It was our first time buying laundry machines (every house/apartment we’ve lived in came with them), but thankfully we found a great deal on Maytags at Sears. I am thankful that Joel has been super helpful with things like laundry, especially when I was dealing with serious fatigue during the first trimester. He’s a good egg 🙂


I moved our board/card games from our old storage chest to this ottoman in the living room. It’ll be much easier to access the games this way, and the old chest will be more useful in the guest room. Seeing all our games makes me excited to play some of them –> I think it is time for a game night! (By the way, did you guys see that movie Game Night… that is NOT how our game nights usually go lol)


Joel manhandled this antique cabinet from our bedroom down to the basement. Somehow he managed to to do without scratching any of the floors or walls (woo!). He will put it to good use in his office down there.


We also hung up our Photowall print (details and discount code HERE –> code expires March 31!). We were originally going to hang the print in the nursery but decided it looked better in our room. 🙂


After we finished getting stuff done around the house, we headed to the movies (three cheers for MoviePass!). This time we saw Death Wish, which was a very typical Bruce Willis movie if you know what I mean, but still very enjoyable. I love our movie theater’s big reclining chairs — they are so comfy!


What is your easy go-to meal when you don’t feel like cooking? Do you keep pancake mix in the fridge? Where should we look for a new solar-powered lantern?  


The perfect movie snack discovery


Hi friends!

Did you have Monday off from work? Joel did not – he had a couple conference calls with clients in Europe. I had a pseudo off day, meaning I got to sleep in a little longer than usual and got some work done at home.

Lucky for me, Jessica was available for a lunch date! We went to Maison Mathis, a place I havent been in quite a while. I debated getting an omelet but finally decided on the quinoa salad.


Hot chocolate and quinoa salad (I added an egg and some avocado). I have to admit it was not the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had… it tasted watered down. :/  However, the food was absolutely delicious! Between the sundried tomatoes, artichokes, kale, quinoa, egg, and avocado, the salad was bursting with yummy flavor –> I did not need to add a single drop of the vinaigrette that came on the side. 🙂 I ate half and brought the other half home. Now that I am pregnant, I get full faster so I can’t eat big meals all at once. I have been eating frequent smaller meals and so far it has been working out nicely.


Jessica and I sat there for a while after finishing up lunch, just chatting about life, work, the future, etc, and all that talking meant that we worked up a second appetite for dessert! 🙂 I had my eye on the layered mousse until I saw the price… then changed my mind to go with the mini-eclairs instead.


When I asked the guy behind the counter about these mini-eclairs, he surprised me by saying that I could have them on the house –> he said I was the nicest customer he’d had all day. 🙂 I thought that was very nice of him! I haven’t had an eclair in forever and these were lovely! Perfectly chilled, and somehow also very light. Yum!


Jessica opted for a strawberry waffle — she let me sample some of it and boy oh boy was it delicious! Joel and I have been talking about getting a waffle-maker for the longest time and this just sealed the deal for me! In the meantime, I will be going back to Maison Mathis for their waffles in the very near future –> they have a “loaded waffle” which comes with a ton of different berries, and has my name written all over it.



I just started a new book: The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters (here). I’m only partway into the first chapter as of now, but I’m interested to see how the story progresses. I picked this book up purely based on the cover when we went to the library and had only 20 seconds before it closed. I didn’t want to leave empty-handed so grabbed this as I was hustling out of there. Hope it’s a good one!


Bernice has been eating rice cakes for her afternoon snack –> when I saw THESE lightly salted rice cakes at the store I thought of her and had to pick them up. I haven’t had rice cakes in YEARS! Back in college I used to eat the cheddar-flavored Quaker Oats rice cakes all the time (here!). They are pretty tasty for a snack. I remember going to the convenience store to buy snacks like this all the time. There was also a specific protein bar I used to get all the time, because it was easy to throw in my backpack for days when I had hours and hours of biology or chemistry labs.


Green grapes for lunch because that is what sounded good to me. I can’t get over how good these green grapes are. They are a little smaller than normal so I assumed they would be tart, but they are actually perfectly ripe and juicy, not too tart at all! I should definitely have bought a few more bags of these. 🙂 Speaking of grapes, what do you think about those enormous globe grapes? They look so huge. Do they taste like regular grapes?


Plantain chips make my day — I LOVE these crispy, salty little things. I have never tried to make my own plantain chips at home, but perhaps I should! I can’t imagine it being too difficult… (famous last words?) haha


Joel and I decided to catch a movie one evening — The 15:17 to Paris! Did you follow this story in the news when it was happening? I remember being glued to my screen when the story first broke. When I heard that there was a movie coming out based on the real events, I couldn’t wait to see it. The actual guys who were involved in the incident portrayed themselves in the movie. The acting was a little stiff at times (can’t blame them, they aren’t professional actors), but the story was pretty interesting.


I have discovered my new favorite movie food… sushi! There is a sushi place right next to the movies, so we stopped in to pick up a snack. Joel got a couple spicy salmon rolls (I can’t wait to eat those again), and I got an avocado roll and a cucumber roll. We asked the restaurant to wrap the rolls in aluminum foil, which made them super easy to transport. Since I did not get any soy sauce or ginger, it was very easy to eat these with fingers without creating a big mess. I’m officially a fan of sushi at the movies, it made for the best movie food ever!


My lunch today: eggy french toast –> 2 eggs on whole grain bread with a bit of kosher salt. I don’t usually add anything to my french toast (Joel likes to top his with maple syrup). Over the past couple days, I have noticed that I have been using mostly eggs as my protein source rather than other meats. This is pretty much because of how easy they are to whip up. Eggs just make life easy.


My nightly snack of late has consisted of fresh peaches –> these are so good! I remember the first time I met Joel’s family, they lived in a house that had a peach tree in the yard. We would pick beautiful peaches and munch on them all the time! His family has since moved away from that house, but I still remember that peach tree fondly. It makes me want to plant one in our yard too. How awesome would it be to have gorgeous fresh peaches right from our own back yard? 🙂


What’s your favorite thing to put on waffles? Have you ever had sushi at the movies? If you had to pick either peaches or grapes to grow in your back yard, which would you choose?   

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